UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA – Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics in Rijeka was founded in mid 1961, as a constituent member of the University of Zagreb, with first lectures starting on November 1. When the University of Rijeka was established in 1973, the Faculty became its member.
The openness of the Faculty’s researchers and teachers to world science, new economic developments and new laws governing national economies and entrepreneurship, has created the conditions for conducting high quality, up-to-date, critical and scientifically based teaching.
Within the national boundaries, the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka was among to first to introduce scientifically based contents, courses and research work, founded on the theory and practice of economic association and integration of countries and their respective economies. The Faculty has signed agreements on collaboration with eminent foreign faculties and universities, both in the field of research and organization of joint conferences, student exchange (summer school) and other.
The number of foreign universities, with which the Faculty has signed agreements on collaboration in different fields, the number of visiting professors involved within the teaching process as well as the number of Faculty’s teachers staying at foreign universities show the current volume of the Faculty of Economics’ involvement in the international higher education and research area.
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